The Fall
I conveniently use the term Fall for its recognition factor, but I do not equal the event with any particular religious account.
In my view, the Fall signifies a distortion of reality on the part of its perception as well as on its creation.

Organic Reality

Organic Universe Polarity
Where is the difference?
Most people use the terms duality and polarity interchangeably. I use them for vastly different concepts.
The Matrix duality is based on the number two, while the Organic Universe Polarity is based on the number three.
Both concepts have a feminine and masculine element. The fundamental difference is the balancing element between the masculine and feminine poles.
This balancing element has a unique alchemical quality; it is able to connect and set boundaries between the masculine and feminine principles at the same time. It is Azoth in Alchemy, believed to be the Universal Solvent, Universal Cure, and Elixir of Life (elixir vitae). This crucible is also the Eros principle, a force that is constantly striving for completion via integration of the physical with the metaphysical, promoting true evolution.

Separation between the manifest and unmanifest world
In the Matrix Duality, there is a separation between the manifest and unmanifest world. The infinite potential of the undifferentiated realm is not included in the material world. Therefore, the material world lost its connection to and coherence with its source, the unmanifest world. Apart from the fact that there are unsurmountable differences between the masculine and the feminine pole because the element of balance is missing, the Matrix reality lacks flexibility and the ability to self-innovate. It is a fixed and lifeless construct. No real evolution can take place, which would always have to come from the potential of the element of balance. We now have created the dualism of the Gnostics; a fundamentally flawed material world over which the Demiurge and the Archons preside.

Matrix Duality
Image credits: title-God judging Adam by William Blake, Wikipedia, illustrations-own work (Canva), ornaments-Elegant Themes